Monday, December 28, 2009


I love Christmas. I love everything about the season; the food, the fun, the family, the spirit, the love, honestly the list could go on forever.

So what did we do for Christmas this year?

Well, we went up to Bryan's family's house on Christmas Eve. (We would have been there earlier, but we got the opportunity to work some extra hours and we jumped at the chance.) There were a ton of people staying there (11 of us!) but we were cozy. I don't know what to say about what we actually did. We ate good food, talked, watched movies, and just generally hung around the whole time we were there. Of course we did open presents on Christmas morning (which was tons of fun).

Let's see, I think one of the most memorable things was Bryan getting dressed up like Santa on Christmas Eve night. He had a suit, beard, the whole shebang. So, he went to the Christmas tree and pretended to put presents under it while our two nieces (who are both pretty young) were woken up to "come see Santa." It was pretty great to the the older one get so excited to see him. It reminded me of the magic of Christmas; how exciting it can be.

Something else that was new to me this year was being in a different house for Christmas. It was my first year not spending it with my family. I have to admit that I was a little homesick at times, but it never lasted long because I had an absolutely wonderful time with the Belts. It was fun to be included in new traditions and spend time with that part of our family.

I wanted to find pictures of Bryan dressed up like Santa, but I guess those will have to wait. :)

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