Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Trip to Sac

Well, I know that it's been a while since I have written anything. Life has been crazy!

Memorial Day weekend, I was able to fly out and see my family before my little brother left on the plan for Brazil, where he will be living for the next two years. It was great to be able to see them and it was too bad that Bryan had to stay in Provo so he could work. :(

While I was in Sacramento, I just hung out with the fam. Mom and I had a girls night and we had fun getting my hair cut and doing some highlights at home (they turned out really good!). On saturday I went out to lunch with an old friend (a friend I've had for a long time, not a friend who is old he he). It was great to be able to catch up with Emily. We went to Chipotle...mmmm....I haven't eaten that if forever, so it was time. :)

On Sunday Kyle gave a great talk in church and a lot of people came to support him. Emily and her family came, here's a picture:

(I wish I wasn't wearing glasses, but my last pair of contacts ripped the first day I was there, ugh).

Sunday night, we went over to family friend's house to eat authentic Brazilian food. It was way good!

On monday, we went to go see the most recent Shrek movie as a family. I loved it :) After that we went to the store and tried to go to the park that we always go to, but it was closed. So, instead, we went to the jr. high school fields and tried to fly kite there. The only problem was that there was almost no wind to speak of and we ended up running around with the kites only a couple of feet above our heads for most of the time. We had a great time!

(On the left: Kyle actually got his kite up for a few minutes...before it came crashing down :] On the right, my Dad trying to get my kite up, which never made it up in the air BTW)

Monday night, my parents made a special dinner for us, STEAK! It's one of our favorite things to eat, even if we don't get to have it very often. (Man, talking about all the food I ate is making me hungry.)

On Tuesday, Kyle was set apart as a missionary and we drove him to the airport. It was sad to see him go, but I know that he is going to help the Lord's work progress. I know that he is going to be a great missionary. A few hours after that, I had to go back to the airport to catch my plane.

Overall, a great weekend! I wish Bryan had been there too, but I'm glad that I was able to see Kyle one more time before he left.

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